Thursday, August 21, 2008


Had the treatment, drove home and became very sick. Apparently the treatment is in an area that can stimulate something that can make you! I feel like I did when I had chemo. It is not making me happy. I had not counted on this at all! I wanted to get through the radiation and then worry about this later. The Doc has said I will get gravol shots before each radiation treatment from now on....crap! Here I sit wondering if and when I am going to tell the husband. He is in Hong Kong and this needs to be a face to face thing. He will be back in a week. I wonder what his reaction will be? Kids are great! I think they have a sense that something is going on. They seem kinder, gentler souls today...maybe it is just me looking at them in a different way! So it is off to bed with some anti nausea drugs.

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